Novembert 13, 2018
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District
Regular Board Meeting
November 13, 2018 5:30 PM
District Services Center
540 Canyon Del Rey, Del Rey Oaks, CA
Attendance Taken at 5:30 PM:
Debra Gramespacher
Dr. Jonathan Hill
Thomas Jennings
Dr. Bettye Lusk
Alana Myles
Wendy Root Askew
Timothy Chaney
I.a. Call Public Session to Order - President Alana Myles
Board President Alana Myles called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.
I.b. Roll Call
Board Members Present: Debra Gramespacher, Dr. Jon Hill, Tom Jennings, Dr. Bettye Lusk, Alana Myles and Wendy Root Askew.
Board Members Absent: Tim Chaney.
Staff Present: Ryan Altemeyer, Bijou Beltran, Dr. PK Diffenbaugh, Marci McFadden, Cresta McIntosh and Beth Wodecki.
I.c. Adopt Agenda
Motion Passed: Passed with a motion by Dr. Jonathan Hill and a second by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
The Board APPROVED the agenda.
I.d. Identify Closed Session Topics of Discussion (Please refer to the list of items identified in Agenda Section II, below.)
II.a. Anticipated/Possible Litigation - Conference with and/or Receive Advice from Legal Counsel - Anticipated/Possible Litigation - Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) G.C. 54956.9
II.b. Conference with Labor Negotiator (G.C. 54957.6) Bijou Beltran, Agency Negotiator. California School Employees Association, Monterey Bay Teachers Association, and Unrepresented Employees
II.c. Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Gov. Code section 54956.8)
Bayview Academy Lease
Monterey Bay Charter School Lease
Trinity Christian High School Lease
II.d. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (Gov. Code section 54957
II.e. Public Employee Appointment (Gov. Code section 54957)
II.f. Student Expulsion Case # 1819/02 (Education Code 48900, et seq.)
II.g. Student Readmit Case # 1617/04 (Education Code 48900, et seq.)
II.h. Student Discipline Matter
There were no comments regarding Closed Session items.
III.a. Immediately Adjourn to Closed Session
The Board ADJOURNED to Closed Session at 5:34 p.m.
IV.a. Adjourn Closed Session and Reconvene Open Session
The Board ADJOURNED from Closed Session at 6:49 p.m.
IV.b. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
IV.c. Report From Closed Session (Action):
Student Expulsion Case # 1819/02
Student Readmit Case # 1617/04
The Board reported the following from Closed Session.
Student Readmit Case # 1617/04 - APPROVE Student Readmit Case 1617/04 to return to their school of residence for the 2018-2019 School Year. Vote 6-0.
Student Expulsion Case # 1819/02 - APPROVE Student expulsion via Stipulated Expulsion Case #1819/02 for the remainder of the 2018-2019 School Year. Vote 6-0.
MBTA President Tom Grych invited the Board to attend TGIF on December 7th at Post No Bills.
Ruthie Watts requested information on seniors receiving transportation. Dr. Diffenbaugh clarified transportation is provided to high school students and offered Mrs. Watts put the gentleman in contact with him to discuss specifics.
Monterey High School Math Teacher Trish Ramirez, expressed her desire to have a real curriculum with real material for math so she knows what order to teach the curriculum.
Sydney Johnson spoke regarding the recent debates held at Seaside High School by the Senior AP Gov students. Ms. Johnson served as the moderator and shared all the students worked extremely hard on preparing for this event, specially Keanu Ramos who organized the event for all the classes. Ms. Johnson also thanked the Board for Mr. Howerton who inspired and pushed the students and for all the people who showed up to the debates.
Seaside High School Social Studies and Science Teacher Grant Howerton expressed how proud he is of Sydney and the students who worked really hard on the debates. Mr. Howerton spoke regarding the STEM Physical Science course he teaches that was approved by the Board last year. Mr. Howerton requested the Board assist with facilities support as well as funding to have resources.
Alex Miller, Seaside Resident and Chair of the City of Seaside Neighborhood Improvement Commission (N.I.C.) as well as two of the members of NIC, requested the District place on the agenda the property at Contra Costa and Sonoma. NIC is looking for a partnership and possibly a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to perhaps have basketball court for students.
Seaside City council Member Dave Pacheco is in support of having basketball courts in the City of Seaside. The City of Seaside donated $3,000 to Seaside High's Girls Basketball team. Mr. Pacheco is hoping $3,000 will be approved for Seaside Middle School next Thursday. Mr. Pacheco agrees that the Seaside High School Mayoral Candidates forums were both great and students did a great job making everyone feel welcome.
VII.a. Student Board Members Report
Marina High School Student Leanne Bagood, Central Coast High School Student Kiara Valdez, Seaside High School Student Xilonem Perez and Monterey High School Student Jocelyn Rojas gave their reports to their respective schools.
VII.b. Status Report from Military Liaison
Military Liaisons Elaine Vrolyks and Dr. Cheryl McCloud gave their reports.
The Board APPROVED the Consent Agenda with the following items to be voted on separately since some Board Members were not present for all the meetings listed below.
VIII.a. Approve Revised Board Meeting Minutes.
VIII.b. Approve Board Meeting Minutes
The following items were pulled for discussion/comments.
VIII.k. Approve Memorandum of Understanding / Service Agreement with Sun Street Centers (SSC) to Provide Substance Abuse Counseling to Identified Students from November 14, 2018 through June 28, 2019. Cost Not to Exceed $15,000
VIII.m. Approve the Purchase of Two 2018 Ford Ten Passenger Vans for the Career Technical Education (CTE) Program. Cost Not to Exceed $56,178 funded from the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) funds
VIII.t. Ratify Independent Contractor Services Agreement with The Seven Challenges, LLC to Provide "3-Day Seven Challenges Initial Training" to Family Services Specialists and Designated Administrative Staff on October 29 - 31, 2018. Cost Not to exceed $7,800
VIII.x. Ratify the Continued Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Marina Teen Center and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Expanded Learning Opportunities and Los Arboles Middle School for the 2018-2019 School Year. Cost not to Exceed $25,000 and Did Not Increase More than 10% from Previous Year
VIII.a. Approve Revised Board Meeting Minutes
The Board Approved the following Board meeting minutes separately with the correction of October 9, 2018 date to match the attachment with the correct date.
August 28, 2018 - Motioned by Dr. Bettye Lusk, seconed by Dr. Jon Hill. Vote 5-0-1. Tim Chaney absent. Tom Jennings abstained.
September 11, 2018 - Motioned by Wendy Root Askew, seconed by Dr. Jon Hill. Vote 5-0-1. Tim Chaney absent. Debra Gramespacher abstained.
September 25, 2018 - Motioned by Wendy Root Askew, seconed by Dr. Bettye Lusk. Vote 4-0-2. Tim Chaney absent. Dr. Jon Hill and Debra Gramespacher abstained.
October 9, 2018 - Motioned by Dr. Bettye Lusk, seconed by Tom Jennings. Vote 6-0. Tim Chaney absent.
VIII.b. Approve Board Meeting Minutes
Motion Passed: Approve Board Meeting Minutes, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Wendy Root Askew.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
The Board Approved the minutes.
VIII.c. Approve the Preparation and Submission of the Project Helping Hands Grant Sponsored by the Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club for the Monterey High School Teacher Classrooms
Motion Passed: Approve the Preparation and Submission of the Project Helping Hands Grant Sponsored by the Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club for the Monterey High School Teacher Classrooms, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.d. Approve the Central Coast High School Assistant Principal's Academic Research Submission for Completion of Dissertation for the Doctorate
Motion Passed: Approve the Central Coast High School Assistant Principal's Academic Research Submission for Completion of Dissertation for the Doctorate, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.e. Approve Independent Contractor Services Agreement with Events California! to Provide Lighting Services for Monterey High School Winter Dance Concert on December 7, 2018. Cost Not to Exceed $903
Motion Passed: Approve Independent Contractor Services Agreement with Events California! to Provide Lighting Services for Monterey High School Winter Dance Concert on December 7, 2018, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.f. Approve Agreement with Lifetouch for Publication of the 2018-2019 Colton Middle School Yearbook. Cost Not to Exceed $4,985.56
Motion Passed: Approve Agreement with Lifetouch for Publication of the 2018-2019 Colton Middle School Yearbook, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.g. Approve Agreement with Wasinger Inspection Services to Provide DSA Inspection Services for the Los Arboles Middle School Kitchen Renovation Project. Total Bond Expense Not to Exceed $9,000
Motion Passed: Approve Agreement with Wasinger Inspection Services to Provide DSA Inspection Services for the Los Arboles Middle School Kitchen Renovation Project, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.h. Approve Agreement with Josten's for Marina High School's Yearbook Publication for School Year 2018-2019. Cost Not to Exceed $10,600
Motion Passed: Approve Agreement with Josten's for Marina High School's Yearbook Publication for School Year 2018-2019, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.i. Approve Overnight Travel to Attend Association of Positive Behavior Support (APBS) 16th Annual International Conference on Positive Behavior Support (PBS), "The Expanding World of PBS: Science, Values, and Vision", February 20-23, 2019, in Washington DC, for (1) Director II of Social Emotional Support and (1) Coordinator of Behavior Intervention. Cost not to exceed $5,600
Motion Passed: Approve Overnight Travel to Attend Association of Positive Behavior Support (APBS) 16th Annual International Conference on Positive Behavior Support (PBS), "The Expanding World of PBS: Science, Values, and Vision", February 20-23, 2019, in Washington DC, for (1) Director II of Social Emotional Support and (1) Coordinator of Behavior Intervention as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.j. Approve a Four Day Trip to Mount Hermon Outdoor Science Camp March 11-15, 2019 for Crumpton Elementary School 5th Grade Students. Costs Not to Exceed $21,700 funded by 5th grade parent committee. Increase more than 10% due to Increased Participation
Motion Passed: Approve a Four Day Trip to Mount Hermon Outdoor Science Camp March 12 through March 16, 2018 for Crumpton School 5th Grade Students as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.k. Approve Memorandum of Understanding / Service Agreement with Sun Street Centers (SSC) to Provide Substance Abuse Counseling to Identified Students from November 14, 2018 through June 28, 2019. Cost Not to Exceed $15,000
Motion Passed: Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Sun Street Centers (SSC) to Provide Substance Abuse Counseling to Identified Students from November 14, 2018 through June 28, 2019 as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Board Member Wendy Root Askew requested the Board bring a report in a year on how this agreement has worked for the students in the District.
VIII.l. Approve a Five Day, Overnight Trip to Mount Hermon Outdoor Science School, Mount Hermon, CA, on March 11 15, 2019 for La Mesa Elementary School 5th Grade Students. Cost Not to Exceed $15,250, Which is More than a 10% Decrease Due Reduced Cost and Participation. Funded by 5th grade parent committee
Motion Passed: Approve a Five Day, Overnight Trip to Mount Hermon Outdoor Science School, Mount Hermon, CA, on March 11 15, 2019 for La Mesa Elementary School 5th Grade Students as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.m. Approve the Purchase of Two 2018 Ford Ten Passenger Vans for the Career Technical Education (CTE) Program. Cost Not to Exceed $56,178 funded from the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) funds
Motion Passed: Approve the Purchase of Two 2018 Ford Ten Passenger Vans for the Career Technical Education (CTE) Program, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Board Member Wendy Root Askew requested clarification if the drivers will receive the same training that transportation provides for their bus drivers and if the drivers will meet criterias to drive. Dr. Diffenbaugh clarified the vans require drivers to have a valid California driver’s license and there is a criteria teachers will have to drive the students in the vans.
VIII.n. Ratify Application and Acceptance of Early Care and Education Innovation Fund Grant of $40,000 from the United Way Monterey County to the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District at No Cost to District
Motion Passed: Ratify Application and Acceptance of Early Care and Education Innovation Fund Grant of $40,000 from the United Way Monterey County to the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.o. Ratify Memorandum of Understanding with WEST Creative Performing Arts Theater Co. Establishing a Community Partnership Promoting Art Education at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School of the Arts in 2018-2019 School Year. No cost to the District
Motion Passed: Ratify Memorandum of Understanding with WEST Creative Performing Arts Theater Co. Establishing a Community Partnership Promoting Art Education at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School of the Arts in 2018-2019 as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.p. Ratify Independent Contractor Service Agreement with Built By Bradford for Monterey High School's Drama Production of "The Three Musketeers". Cost Not to Exceed $1,000
Motion Passed: Ratify Independent Contractor Service Agreement with Built By Bradford for Monterey High School's Drama Production of "The Three Musketeers", as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.q. Ratify Submission of 2018-2019 California Department of Education, Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Application. No Cost to District
Motion Passed: Ratify Submission of 2018-2019 California Department of Education, Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Application as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.r. Ratify Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) and Monterey Adult School between October 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
Motion Passed: Ratify Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) and Monterey Adult School between October 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.s. Ratify Participation in Ready Math Curriculum Professional Development for Crumpton Elementary School in 2018-2019 Academic Year. Cost Not to Exceed $4,893.75
Motion Passed: Ratify Participation in Ready Math Curriculum Professional Development at Crumpton Elementary School in 2018-2019 Academic Year as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.t. Ratify Independent Contractor Services Agreement with The Seven Challenges, LLC to Provide "3-Day Seven Challenges Initial Training" to Family Services Specialists and Designated Administrative Staff on October 29 - 31, 2018. Cost Not to exceed $7,800
Motion Passed: Ratify Independent Contractor Services Agreement with The Seven Challenges, LLC to Provide "3-Day Seven Challenges Initial Training" to Family Services Specialists and Designated Administrative Staff on October 29 - 31, 2018 as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Board Member Wendy Root Askew requested clarification if all the Service Specialist will be trained. Dr. PK Diffenbaugh clarified that each secondary school chose their team that may include leaders, Service Specialists and classified staff.
VIII.u. Ratify Additional Participant Expense Incurred During Lindamood Bell Literacy Program Professional Development for Special Education Classroom, Grades K-12. Cost Not to Exceed $8,000. Cost Did Not Increase by 10% from Previous Year
Motion Passed: Ratify Additional Participant Expense Incurred During Lindamood Bell Literacy Program Professional Development for Special Education Classroom, Grades K-12 as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.v. Ratify Service Agreement with Playworks Education Energized to Provide Professional Development to Provide Safe and Inclusive Recess Environment for District Students in 2018-2019. Cost not to exceed $9,600
Motion Passed: Ratify Service Agreement with Playworks Education Energized to Provide Professional Development to Provide Safe and Inclusive Recess Environment for District Students in 2018-2019 as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.w. Ratify Service Agreement with Central Coast Sign Language Interpreters, LLC, (CCSLI, Inc.) to Provide Additional Sign Language Interpreting Services for a new student for the 2018-2019 School Year. Cost Not to Exceed $16,200. Cost Did Not Increase More Than 10% from Previous Year
Motion Passed: Ratify Service Agreement with Central Coast Sign Language Interpreters, LLC (CCSLI, Inc.) to Provide Additional Sign Language Interpreting Services for the 2018-2019 School Year as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.x. Ratify the Continued Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Marina Teen Center and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Expanded Learning Opportunities and Los Arboles Middle School for the 2018-2019 School Year. Cost not to Exceed $25,000 and Did Not Increase More than 10% from Previous Year
Motion Passed: Ratify the Continued Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Marina Teen Center and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Expanded Learning Opportunities and Los Arboles Middle School for the 2018-2019 School Year as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Dr. Bettye Lusk expressed her support of having both organizations working together for the benefit of Los Arboles Middle School students and for this Memorandum of Understanding to be reviewed yearly. Dr. Lusk thanked Dr. PK Diffenbaugh, Francine Stewart and Terry Siegriest from the City of Marina.
VIII.y. Ratify Approval of Taco Truck Catering Services by Alberto De Leon for Monterey High School's Senior Class. Cost Not to Exceed $3,600
Motion Passed: Ratify Approval of Taco Truck Catering Services by Alberto De Leon for Monterey High School's Senior Class, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.z. Ratify Contract with Motivational Millenial: Empowering Students Through Hip-Hop by Dr. Blake Brandes for Growth Mindset Assemblies at Monte Vista Elementary on November 13, 2018. Cost Not to Exceed $1,500 for this New Contract
Motion Passed: Ratify Contract with Motivational Millenial: Empowering Students Through Hip-Hop by Dr. Blake Brandes for Growth Mindset Assemblies at Monte Vista Elementary on November 13, 2018 as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
VIII.aa. Ratify Purchase Orders from September 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, totaling the amount of $2,083,143.63.
Motion Passed: Ratify Purchase Orders from September 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, totaling the amount of $2,083,143.63, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew Ratify Warrant Register from September 2018 through September 30, 2018, totaling the net amount of $5,459,970.06
Motion Passed: Ratify Warrant Register from September 2018 through September 30, 2018, totaling the net amount of $5,459,970.06, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew Ratify Personnel Items
Motion Passed: Ratify Personnel Items as Presented Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
IX.a. Discuss and Approve New Evaluation Tool for Monterey Bay Teachers' Association (MBTA) as presented, and final board approval of MPUSD-MBTA Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2017-2020
Motion Passed: Discuss and Approve New Evaluation Tool for Monterey Bay Teachers' Association (MBTA) as presented, and final board approval of MPUSD-MBTA Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2017-2020 as Presented Passed with a motion by Dr. Jonathan Hill and a second by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Bijou Beltran, MBTA President Tom Grych, Monterey High School NJROTC Commander Paul Tanks, Seaside Middle School Principal Dr. Manny Nunez, Beth Wodecki and Cresta McIntosh presented.
Mrs. Helen Rucker shared her evaluation experience and congratulated the District in making a stressful situation for Educators a positive one. Conversation ensued.
IX.b. PUBLIC HEARING on Monterey Bay Teachers Association (MBTA) and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) Joint Sunshine Proposal for the 2018-2019 School Year
Bijou Beltran and MBTA President Tom Grych presented.
IX.c. Discuss and Approve the Monterey Bay Teachers Association (MBTA) and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) Joint Sunshine Proposal for the 2018-2019 School Year
Motion Passed: Discuss and Approve the Monterey Bay Teachers Association (MBTA) and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) Joint Sunshine Proposal for the 2018-2019 School Year as Presented Passed with a motion by Dr. Jonathan Hill and a second by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Bijou Beltran and MBTA President Tom Grych presented.
IX.d. Discuss and Approve Change Order No. 1 for HB Restoration Inc. for the Seaside Children's Center Exterior Paint Project. Measure P Bond Cost Not to Exceed $5,000
Motion Passed: Discuss and Approve Change Order No. 1 for HB Restoration Inc. for the Seaside Children's Center Exterior Paint Project, as presented. Passed with a motion by Thomas Jennings and a second by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Ralph Caputo from RGM and Associates presented. Conversation ensued.
IX.e. Discuss and Approve Change Order No. 1 for Monterey Environmental Solutions and Services (M.E.S.S.) for the Los Arboles Middle School Abatement of Hazardous Materials Project. Measure P Bond Cost Not to Exceed $22,764.29
Motion Passed: Approve Change Order No. 1 for Monterey Environmental Solutions and Services (M.E.S.S.) for the Los Arboles Middle School Abatement of Hazardous Materials Project, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Thomas Jennings.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Ralph Caputo from RGM and Associates presented.
This item has been changed from "Discuss" to "Ratify." Board Member Debra Gramespacher requested that change orders come before the board before money has been spent. Mr. Caputo clarified that items will always be brought to the Board whenever possible. Mr. Caputo explained that once in while there are circumstances where the cost of delays and ramifications could be more than the cost of the item.
IX.f. Discuss and Approve Change Order No. 2 for Meehleis Modular for the Marina High School New Gymnasium Increment 2. Measure P Bond Cost Not to Exceed $45,076.78
Motion Passed: Discuss and approve Change Order No. 2 for Meehleis Modular for the Marina High School New Gymnasium Increment 2, as presented. Passed with a motion by Thomas Jennings and a second by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Ralph Caputo from RGM and Associates presented. Conversation ensued.
IX.g. Discuss and Approve Award of Bid to Property Restoration for a Permeable Paving Project at Del Rey Woods Elementary School. to be Funded by the Drought Response Outreach Program for Schools (DROPS) Grant, Not to Exceed $95,000
Motion Passed: Approve Award of Bid to Property Restoration for a Permeable Paving Project at Del Rey Woods Elementary School, as presented. Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Dr. Jonathan Hill.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Ralph Caputo from RGM and Associates presented.
IX.h. Discuss and Approve Proposal/Agreement with Williams & Associates, LLC for Technical Support Services to Assist the District with State Eligibility and Funding Applications, Bond Project Submittals and Bond Committees. Bond Cost for 2018-19 Not to Exceed $125,000
Motion Passed: Approve Williams and Associates Agreement for additional Bond services, as presented. Passed with a motion by Thomas Jennings and a second by Dr. Jonathan Hill.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Minutes: Ralph Caputo from RGM and Associates presented. Conversation ensued.
IX.i. Discuss and Approve Report on the Use of Developer Fees for 2017-2018 and Approve Resolution #18/19-09 on Use of Developer Fees for 2017-2018
Motion Passed: Accept Report on the Use of Developer Fees for 2017-2018 and Approve Resolution #18/19-09 on Use of Developer Fees for 2017-2018, as presented. Passed with a motion by Thomas Jennings and a second by Dr. Bettye Lusk.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
Ryan Altemeyer, Tim Carty from Pipper Jaffray and Chick Adams from Jones Hall presented. Conversation ensued.
X.a. Review, Discuss and Provide Direction on Draft Resolutions, Series A Bond Issuance of Measure I and Final Bond Issuance of Measure P
Dr. PK Diffenbaugh presented. Conversation ensued.
X.b. Receive Update from Facilities Advisory Committee Meeting of November 5, 2018 and Provide Direction Regarding Measure I Bond Projects Priority List
Dr. PK Diffenbaugh presented. Conversation ensued.
X.c. Review, Discuss, and Provide Direction on Citizens' Oversight Committee Bylaws
Ryan Altemeyer presented. Conversation ensued.
X.d. Review and Provide Direction on District Five Year Measurable Outcomes
Cresta McIntosh and Beth Wodecki presented. Conversation ensued. The Board provided Dr. Diffenbaugh direction to move forward with this item.
Dr. PK Diffenbaugh gave his report. The Board expressed how proud they are of Dr. Manny Nuñez for receiving the prestigious Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Administrator of the Year award. Dr. Nuñez is the first person to receive the ACSA Student Award while attending High School as well recently, the ACSA Administrator award.
Board Members gave their reports.
Informational reports of any updates or changes regarding expulsions.
Board Policy review regarding expulsions.
Information item regarding Equity Network.
Presentation of math curriculum, timeline for completing the third year and support that has been provided to teachers.
Proclamation for Monterey County Office of Education for Dr. Nancy Kotowski.
XIV.a. Future Meetings
Motion Passed: Passed with a motion by Dr. Bettye Lusk and a second by Dr. Jonathan Hill.
Absent Timothy Chaney
Yes Debra Gramespacher
Yes Dr. Jonathan Hill
Yes Thomas Jennings
Yes Dr. Bettye Lusk
Yes Alana Myles
Yes Wendy Root Askew
The Board ADJOURNED the meeting at 10:21 p.m. in memory of Board Member Tim Chaney's mother, Betty Chaney.