Special Education
Transportation forms will be suspended one week before summer session and one week before fall session to allow for routing. Forms will reopen at 8:00 AM the first day of summer and fall sessions. If you require support in completing this form please contact 831-645-1207, option 1.
Please note: Families will need to complete a new form for each school year. You can request transportation for summer and fall transportation services within the same form. If your child's address, emergency contact information, or school change during the school year a new form will be required.
Are you a parent, guardian or prospective student in MPUSD and want to observe a special education setting? Please find our observation policy here.
The MPUSD Special Education Department provides services to children with disabilities between the ages of birth through 22 years. Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) is provided to address the educational and related needs of children with disabilities. The services across the district include:
- Infant/Toddler and Pre-School Special Education Program
- Resource Specialist Teachers at each of the District Schools
- Speech/Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Adapted Physical Education
- Assistive Technology
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Self-contained classes with specialized academic instruction for students who benefit most from mild to moderate adaptations to the general education curriculum.
- Self-contained classes with specialized academic instruction for students who benefit most from curriculum based on life skills curriculum standards ages 3 through 22 (STEPS)
- Self-contained classes with specialized academic instruction for students whose needs require a therapeutic setting with embedded mental health supports, kindergarten through high school (KEY)
- Self-contained classes with specialized academic instruction for students who are Autistic or who benefit most when provided extensive language scaffolds and supports, ages 3 through 22 (LEAP)
Special Education | Specialized Programs
Birth to 5 Program (Early Start)
Marina Child Development Center
Michelle Sturgill - Intake Coordinator
[email protected]
LEAP Program
STEPS Program
KEY Program
Marina Child Development Center
Michelle Sturgill - Intake Coordinator
[email protected]
LEAP Program
STEPS Program
KEY Program
Related Services
Speech, Language and Communication Services
Occupational Therapy
Adapted Physical Education
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
School Psychologist Services
Behavior Specialist Services
Speech, Language and Communication Services
Occupational Therapy
Adapted Physical Education
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
School Psychologist Services
Behavior Specialist Services