LEAP Program
The LEAP Program
Program Information:
- Located within comprehensive school settings, the LEAP Program offers an unique educational opportunity for students with autism and/or communication disorders.
- Provides language enrichment, academic performance and social support for students with autism and/or communication disorders who are unable to access the general education curriculum at, near, or above grade level.
- Instructional options are individualized and may include: special day class, general education mainstreaming with support for mastery of academic content, or general education inclusion with support for social exposure and modeling with peers.
- Provides ongoing, direct social skills instruction, curriculum adaptations and modifications, behavioral support and highly trained staff.
- Speech/language and occupational therapists provide model of integrated therapy services throughout the school day. Including consultation to the teacher, instructional assistants and parents.
- Sensory-motor room available at each site to support the sensory and motor needs of students.
- Adaptive PE teacher provides consultation to program through facilitating small group sessions and coordination with Special Olympics of Northern California.
LEAP Classroom Locations
- Marina Child Development Center (Pre-School)
- Olson Elementary School (K-6th, Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe)
- JC Crumpton Elementary School (K-6th, Mild/Moderate)
- Los Arboles Middle School (7/8th)
- Marina High School (9-12th)
ESY & Transportation
Transportation forms are now published. To enroll your student in transportation services please use the online system. No log-in required! English and Spanish forms can be accessed through any web-enabled device.
Having trouble using this new system? Call Student Support Services at 831-645-1207 for assistance.
Having trouble using this new system? Call Student Support Services at 831-645-1207 for assistance.