Visual & Performing Arts
Elementary Visual and Performing Arts
Music in Our Schools Month: Special MPUSD Minute
Art and music is offered at all grade levels, with instrumental music expanded at elementary schools. Theatrical arts is offered at the secondary level and at all of our elementary schools.
The arts are integral to education. Through the arts children learn cooperation. They take risks socially and creatively, leading to bonding as a group and to innovation as an individual. For students struggling with language skills, the arts provide a time to shine free of language constraints. For those challenged by traditional teaching methods, the arts can provide another way with which to solve problems, a hands-on approach or even a full visceral experience. Plus, for most kids, the arts are fun!
Here is a brief overview of current VAPA programs at MPUSD.
Elementary music – MPUSD students in 1st through 5th grades have weekly music classes, year round and perform for full school events at least twice a year, with additional performances likely. In 4th and 5th grades, instrumental lessons are available to those who are interested. Instruments taught include flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, baritone, violin, cello, and guitar.
- TK and Kindergarten have a less structured music program that includes singing and movements to songs about seasons, places and feelings.
- TK and Kindergarten also have Dance. This helps them develop large muscle control, moving with a group in space, feeling tempo, isolating movements, and expands the range of movement in growing bodies.
1st and 2nd Grade Visual Arts include an introduction to shape, line, texture, form and color. Students interpret their environment and themselves through drawing, painting and collage. - 3rd Grade has Dance with the Tandy Beal Dance Company – Students use dance and movement to problem solve. Students perform dances they create with the support of a team of international dancers.
Grades 4 and 5 have an arts integrated environmental science series called Eco Ambassadors. Science illustration, school yard mapping and exploring the habitat around us are featured aspects of Eco Ambassadors. - An after school musical occurs at most Elementary sites and are open to grades 1st through 5th. In the past year we have had Lion King, Aladdin and Jungle Book.
- Turnaround Arts at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School of the Arts, Seaside – Through the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., Turnaround Arts is a program that instills high-quality and integrated arts instruction to strengthen school reform, boost academic achievement and increase student engagement. Jackson Browne has adopted MLK and visits and supports the school’s music program.
- Turnaround Arts at Marina Vista Elementary Arts Academy – Through the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., Turnaround Arts is a program that instills high-quality and integrated arts instruction to strengthen school reform, boost academic achievement and increase student engagement. DJIZ has adopted MLK and visits and supports the school’s music program.
District Contact
Jaqui Hope, Coordinator
Visual and Performing Arts
Email: [email protected]
Office Location
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
School of the Arts
Elementary School
School of the Arts
Elementary School
1713 Broadway Avenue
Seaside, CA 93955
MPUSD thanks the following community partnerships that have expanded the art opportunities for our students:
- Ariel Theatre
- Arts Council for Monterey County
- Carmel Bach Festival
- Community Foundation
- CSUMB Return of the Natives
- Dance Kids
- Evolution Studios
- Monterey Museum of Art
- Monterey Jazz Festival
- Monterey Pop Festival
- Monterey Symphony
- MAFFY Animation
- Nancy Buck Ransom
- Open Ground Studios
- Pac Rep Theatre
- Palenke Arts
- Paper Wing Theatre
- Pebble Beach
- Foundation
- Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
- Sunset Center
- STAR Foundation
- Tandy Beal Dance Company
- Turnaround Arts