Homeless/Foster Youth
- Carlos Diaz, McKinney-Vento Liaison
MPUSD Family Resource Center
(831) 392-3928
[email protected]
1295 La Salle Ave. Seaside, CA 93955 - Debora Ogarrio, McKinney Vento Student Liaison
MPUSD Elementary School Support
(831) 717-7415
[email protected]
- Carlos Diaz, McKinney-Vento Liaison
- Andrea Diaz, School Social Worker Middle School
MPUSD McKinney-Vento Foster Student Liaison
(831) 236-9747
[email protected]
- Andrea Diaz, School Social Worker Middle School
- Erika Parker - Education Liaison
Compassionate Education Systems Monterey County
(831) 417-9277
[email protected] - Aracele Salgado, Education Liaison
Compassionate Education Systems Monterey County
(831) 417-6680
[email protected] - Kayla Antes, Senior Program Manager
Compassionate Education Systems Monterey County
(831) 345-9502
[email protected]
- Erika Parker - Education Liaison
- Donnie Everett
Assistant Superintendent, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
(831) 645-1261
- Donnie Everett
- Justin Parker
Program Coord II-Foster Youth Student Services
School: (831) 784-4227 ext. 1227
[email protected]
- Justin Parker
Provide comprehensive and rehabilitative services to our most vulnerable students by advocating for successful transitions, re-engagement, and social emotional awareness, leading to academic achievement as well as maximizing post-secondary options.
Homeless Education and Family Resource Center
The Homeless Education and Family Resource Center was designed to provide assistance to homeless students and families in compliance with the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, an integral part of No Child Left Behind. In the FRC personnel work in collaboration with school personnel and community service agencies in an effort to maximize access to various educational, social and enrichment programs which promote academic success and student achievement.
- Provide ongoing training, technical assistance and advocacy district wide to ensure federal statutes and district policy is being followed in regards to homeless students in the MPUSD.
- Remove barriers to academic success for McKinney Vento eligible students by providing needed supplies such as backpacks, school supplies, clothing, transportation, free lunch program, etc.
- Educate students and parents on their educational rights.
- Promote parent participation in school-related activities.
- Each student at the beginning of the school year or upon enrollment at any Monterey campus must complete a form called the Student Residence Questionnaire, form included in the student registration forms package and according with the answers you may qualify for the McKinney-Vento Program.
- Double-up: sharing housing with families or friends
- Renting a room in another person’s or family’s apartment or house
- Staying in hotels or motels
- Living in cars, parks, or other places not designed for regular sleeping
- Staying in shelters or housing programs
- Moving from place to place due to lack of stable housing
- Youth living with someone other than their parent or legal guardian
- Enrollment in school immediately, even if missing records and documents normally required for enrolment, such as a birth certificate, proof of residence, previous school records, or immunizations/medical records
- Attend either the local school or the school of origin, if this is in the best interest (the school of origin is the school the child attended when they were permanently housed or the school in which the child was last enrolled)
- Receive transportation to and from school if getting to school is a hardship
- Receive free lunch program
- Receive free school supplies
Each school has a small Resource Center located on site. Below is a list of some of the items available to students.
- Personal Hygiene & Grooming Products
- Dental Floss, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
- Deodorants
- Hand Sanitizer
- Hair Shampoo and Conditioner
- Nail Cutters/Trimmer
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Disposable Razors
- Soap or Body Wash