Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
The 2021 Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant announcement, plan and template became available in March 2021. The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District observed a two-week Spring Break over this time period; however, was actively working on strategic plans on returning students to a Hybrid Learning model while simultaneously maintaining a full Distance Learning model for students who chose to opt out of in-person instruction.
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan must be completed by school districts, county offices of education, or charter schools, collectively referred to as Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), that receive Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant funds under California Education Code (EC) Section 43521(b). The plan must be adopted by the local governing board or body of the LEA at a public meeting on or before June 1, 2021, and must be submitted to the county office of education, the California Department of Education, or the chartering authority within five days of adoption, as applicable. The plan must be updated to include the actual expenditures by December 1, 2022.
Districts that receive ELO Grant funds under EC Section 43521(b) are required to implement a learning recovery program that, at a minimum, provides supplemental instruction, support for social and emotional well-being, and, to the maximum extent permissible under the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture, meals and snacks to, at a minimum, students who are included in one or more of the following groups:
∙ low-income,
∙ English learners,
∙ foster youth,
∙ homeless students,
∙ students with disabilities,
∙ students at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation,
∙ disengaged students, and students who are below grade level, including, but not limited to, those who did not enroll in kindergarten in the 2020–21 school year, credit deficient students, high school students at risk of not graduating, and other students identified by certificated staff.
Since March 2020, the beginning of the global pandemic (COVID-19), the district has actively engaged all stakeholders in multiple ways to provide feedback and input that contribute to the development of its Local Control Accountability Plan, as well as this ELO plan, including districtwide community Town Halls, site-based Town Halls, surveys, Cabinet Chat Town Halls with all staff, and regularly scheduled school site council, English Learner Advisory Council, and District English Learner Advisory Council.