Accountability » 2024-2025 LCAP Written Comments for Clarification

2024-2025 LCAP Written Comments for Clarification

2024-2025 Local Control Accountability Plan
Written Comments for Clarification

Statute and regulations specify the educational partners that school districts and county offices of education must consult when developing the LCAP: teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units of the local education agency, parents, and students. Before adopting the LCAP, school districts and county offices of education must share it with the Parent Advisory Committee and, if applicable, to its English Learner Parent Advisory Committee. The superintendent is required by statute to respond in writing to the comments received from these committees. 


The following below are comments and responses that arose when the district presented the draft LCAP to its MPUSD LCAP Task Force, MPUSD District English Learner Advisory Committee, and LCAP public hearing during the Board of Education meeting. 

LCAP Task Force: May 20, 2024
Questions. Comments. Notes.

Comment #1: World language teachers, over the counselor ratio - Is this one-time funding and new positions? 

Response: The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is supplemental funding designated specifically to support students who are foster youth, experiencing homelessness, English language learners, and socio-economically disadvantaged. Each year the district gathers feedback and input from educational partners to identify its investments. Based on educational partner feedback, the district is using LCAP funds to invest in counselors at the middle school. Through the use of other funding, including grants, we continue to prioritize and main our focus on counselor investment to support students.

Comment #2: College readiness - How does it translate to investments? How does it support college readiness?  

Response: A to G college requirements require two years of foreign language. Based on educational partner feedback to support college readiness, MPUSD will invest in world language teachers at middle school so students are prepared when they reach high school. This investment supports expanding course access to students, including electives and robust course offerings to support.

Comment #3: What is an accelerated learning specialist? What is an early learning assistant? Also explain that the teacher on special assignment is specific for literacy/reading.

Response: Accelerated Learning Specialists work with small groups of students targeting specific identified areas of growth in foundational literacy. The Teacher on Special Assignment identified in the LCAP is specific to early childhood education (e.g., preschool, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten) and oversees the intervention program and provides training and oversight to accelerated learning specialists and monitors student progress.

Comment #4: What is the transitional kindergarten ratio? 

Response: MPUSD’s ratio of students to teacher in transitional kindergarten is 24 to 1. However, the district attempts to keep class sizes at 20 students.

Comment #5: What is a bilingual assistant and where do you see that in MPUSD? 

Response: A bilingual assistant is an MPUSD staff member who works with students individually and in groups assisting with specific instructional or learning tasks. The bilingual assistant works directly with students in subject areas such as reading, math, language development, social studies, art, ethnic studies, music, and PE to enrich, review, and reinforce the instructional program. This position also translates when needed into the students’ native language and serves as liaison between school and non-English speaking parents explaining school policies and procedures. This position is specifically at the Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula.

Comment #6: What is a newcomer teacher? 

Response: A newcomer teacher specifically helps students who are new to the United States educational system. At MPUSD, the district will invest LCAP dollars for a newcomer teachers at Seaside High School for students to receive specific instruction in their home language and bridge to support as a newcomer into this country and one at the Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula to provide a more specific experience for students (formerly Seaside Middle School and Ord Terrace Elementary School). The district will also invest in a newcomer learning specialist to help support international students and provide exposure to the community and culture.

Comment #7: Chronic absenteeism - Are students chronically absent because of transportation, how important education is perceived, or lack of data? 

Response: The district piloted a chronic absenteeism campaign in the Marina learning community. Through the pilot program we have identified that on average a student who is experiencing chronic absenteeism has approximately nine barriers going on simultaneously that prevents them from attending school, such as lack of transportation, valuing the importance of education, access to health care, and more.

Comment #8: What does the intervention teacher at Central Coast High School do? Why does math show up in Goal #4 and not Goal #1? 

Response: Goal #1 and Goal #2 are specific to supporting student access for Career and College Readiness and reading. Math support is identified as a focus goal in Goal #4 versus a broad goal in Goal #1 or focus goal in Goal #2. Goal #1 is a broad goal and encompasses overall funding for teaching mathematics. The district will be more explicit and specific to math and work to break it out of Goal #1 and identify as a separate strategy. Additionally, Goal #6 is specific to a school site and provides an intervention teacher for students who have not been served well in a traditional school model. The intent is that intervention will help support students with credit recovery so they may graduate alongside their peers.

Comment #9: There is nothing related to math specifically in the LCAP. There are extra hirings for reading/literacy, but not specific for math where we need it (e.g., Goal #5). It appears there is no equivalent support for math versus reading.

Response: The district is focusing a significant amount of time and energy in foundational literacy and early literacy because research shows that if a student cannot read by 3rd grade that it will take the student until 12th grade to meet regular standards generally. MPUSD data indicates that math is an area of need and funding should reflect that need as well. The district indicated that Goal #1 is a general goal and encompasses overall funding for teaching mathematics. The district will be more explicit and specific to math and break it out of Goal #1 and identify as a separate strategy.


LCAP Public Hearing: June 11, 2024
Public Comment


Comment #1: Approximately nine community members spoke during public comment in advocacy of mental wellness, specifically in support of the Wellness Wednesdays program offered by Building Healthy Communities. Advocates stated the program cultivates youth leadership into Seaside Rising; increases civic engagement; connects students to college and career and next level education. The program provides a family wraparound and is rich in diversity and adds to the work and culture and climate.

Response: Based on educational partner feedback during engagement sessions throughout the school year and the LCAP virtual conversation through ThoughtExchange, social and emotional well-being was a priority. Accordingly, the district is investing approximately $35,000 in collaboration with community partners to support students.

Comment #2: Gear Up is a program that is excellent for the students to go on field trips to visit colleges. Would like to see continued support in Gear Up.

Response: Gear Up is a partnership with local universities and funded through federal grants. While not specifically funded through the LCAP, Gear Up will continue to be a priority at MPUSD. What is funded through the LCAP is transportation costs to field trips, such as to colleges and universities, and other extracurricular activities.

Comment #3: Focus on long-term English learners and consider parents who work morning or night shifts - would like to see a new system with the things offered to the community but in the mornings.

Response: Goal #3 of the LCAP focuses directly on supporting English language learners. The district will continue to prioritize this goal to ensure students are redesignated fluent English proficient by the time they reach middle school, if not sooner. The district will also work to align activities and meetings at various times during the week and on weekends to ensure it reaches all parents and guardians and specifically to meet the needs of those working multiple jobs or who may have hours alternative of regular school functions.

Comment #4: More preparation and training for teachers because teachers can be brain keepers or gate keepers; more capacity for them; more counselors for the kids; more attention to each child.

Response: Based on educational partner feedback specific to providing more support for teachers, MPUSD will invest in professional development for teachers through Goal #1 of the LCAP. With regard to more counselors for students, the district is using LCAP funds to invest in counselors at the middle school. Through the use of other funding, including grants, we continue to prioritize and main our focus on counselor investment to support students.Finally, more attention to each child is focused through the LCAP and specifically meets the criteria of serving foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, English language learners, and students who are socio-economically disadvantaged.


District English Learner Advisory Committee: May 22, 2024
Questions. Comments. Notes.


Comment #1 (Goal 1): Have a career center to guide students to fill out the FAFSA and take them to universities.


Each high school has college and career guidance counselors who are in charge of ensuring that the FAFSA is completed. Additionally, the LCAP dedicated funding for field trips, including to colleges and universities.

Comments #2, #3, #4 and #5 (Goal 1): Seaside High School has an excellent program (e.g., school guidance counselors); put it in all the schools. Quality advisors. An advisor who focuses on 12th grade students at SHS. Better student advisors.

Response: Each year the district gathers feedback and input from educational partners to identify its investments. This comment also came up during the LCAP Task Force meeting and during the LCAP public hearing. Based on educational partner feedback, the district is using LCAP funds to invest in counselors at the middle school. Through the use of other funding, including grants, we continue to prioritize and main our focus on counselor investment to support students.

Comment #6 (Goal #1): Have funds for Gear Up.

Response: Gear Up is a partnership with local universities and funded through federal grants. While not specifically funded through the LCAP, Gear Up will continue to be a priority at MPUSD. What is funded through the LCAP is transportation costs to field trips, such as to colleges and universities, and other extracurricular activities.

Comment #7 (Goal #1): Affordable prices for transitional kindergarten. Families who because of their high income do not qualify. Fair prices for transitional kindergarten.

Response: The district prioritizes early childhood education and funding in the LCAP is targeted specific for early childhood education. Transitional kindergarten is available at all 10 of MPUSD’s elementary or TK-8 schools free of charge. Additionally, the district offers infant care and preschool for students ages 2 - 4 (prior to entering transitional kindergarten). Depending on a family’s income, most qualify for free or reduced cost preschool. To learn more about the district’s preschool programs visit,

Comment #8 (Goal #1): I would like it if at Seaside High School there are teachers who teach other languages, such as French, Italian, Portuguese.

Response: The district’s LCAP specifically funds world language teachers at the middle school to prepare students to transition into world languages at the high school level. Increasing languages at the high school level will be dependent on each school's master schedule, which is driven by student requests for specific classes such as world language. 

Comment #9 and #10 (Goal #1): At Seaside High School it would be good if there were classes in plumbing. Career Technical Education purchases.

Response: The district values Career Technical Education courses and the LCAP invests heavily in CTE courses. Seaside High School has the largest number of CTE pathway offerings including: Culinary, Medical, Construction, Computer Science, Digital Media and Auto Tech. The district will continue to review and explore course offerings based on educational feedback and need/want of students.

Comment #11 (Goal #1): Example, DLAMP is the dance class and the children are highly motivated.

Response: Thank you for highlighting the DLAMP dance class and its positive impact on student motivation. The district is dedicated to prioritizing visual and performing arts (VAPA) as a key part of our educational program. MPUSD recognizes that VAPA programs, such as dance, music, theater, and visual arts, are essential for fostering creativity, critical thinking, and engagement among students. The success of the DLAMP dance class exemplifies how VAPA initiatives can inspire and motivate students. MPUSD is committed to supporting these programs through dedicated resources, specialized instructors, and diverse opportunities. Ensuring access to high-quality arts education remains a priority in our LCAP goals to enhance student learning and overall well-being.

Comment #12 (Goal #1): Programs that motivate the children.

Response: MPUSD’s goal is to encourage and motivate students. The programs funded specifically through the LCAP have been identified as opportunities that will support students through dedicated resources, specialized instructors, and diverse opportunities. As noted in the previous comment/response, ensuring access to high-quality programming remains a priority in our LCAP goals to enhance student learning and overall well-being.

Comment #13 (Goal #1): Each school should have more after-school programs.

Response: Based on overwhelming educational partner feedback, afterschool programs and/or extracurricular activities were highly valued. Accordingly, the district is prioritizing LCAP funding toward various afterschool programs and extracurricular activities.

Comment #14 (Goal #1): What help can be given to advanced learning students?

Response: Educational partners have prioritized college and career readiness, and in response, our district has invested millions of dollars in Goal #1 to support advanced learning students. This includes ensuring course access, meeting A-G requirements, and offering Advanced Placement (AP) courses. These initiatives are designed to provide advanced learners with the rigorous academic opportunities they need to excel and prepare for their future success.

Comment #15 (Goal #2): Give a list of books each month, but tell the parents one per month.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. The district will pass this along to the Literacy and Parent Education teams. 

Comment #16 (Goal 2): Administer a questionnaire. Key questions the parents may ask.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. The district will pass this along to the Literacy and Parent Education teams. 

Comment #17, #18 and #19 (Goal #2): Reading club for middle and high school students. Reading club. Support reading circles.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. The district will pass this along to the Literacy team. 

Comment #20 (Goal #2): Give them more time in reading. Specialists in accelerated learning in primary school.

Response: Based on educational partner feedback, extra support to students came across clearly. MPUSD is investing in accelerated learning specialists specifically dedicated to supporting elementary school students. These specialists are equipped to provide tailored support and resources that promote academic growth and enrichment opportunities early in our students’ educational journey. This investment underscores our commitment to ensuring every child receives the necessary support to excel academically and reach their full potential.

Comment #21 (Goal #2): Take extra classes.

Response: MPUSD offers a variety of Monterey Peninsula College classes on each high school campus. Counselors work with students to identify interests and support students to take classes that align with their interests and goals.

Comment #22 and #23 (Goal #3): Give dates in advance so they can get ready. Give contents so they can get ready. Notify parents of their progress. Notify parents of students’ reading level.

Response: The district understands the importance of providing timely and transparent communications to families regarding important dates, contents of events, student progress updates, and reading levels. As part of Goal #5 in the LCAP, MPUSD is committed to enhancing communication practices to better support families. Moving forward, MPUSD will strive to give advance notice of key dates and events, share relevant content details, and ensure regular updates on students' progress and reading levels. This commitment underscores our dedication to fostering strong partnerships with families and keeping them well-informed about their child's educational journey.

Comment #24 and #25 (Goal #3): Give a number of words to read. How many words per minute is the goal?

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. The district will pass this along to the Literacy and Parent Education teams. 

Comment #26 (Goal #3): Develop informational programs for parents; English apprentices.

Response: MPUSD recognizes the importance of developing informational programs for parents, including English apprenticeship opportunities. At MPUSD, the district offers bilingual community liaisons and dedicated school support staff who serve as vital links between the school and families. They provide invaluable assistance in navigating district and school resources. Additionally, MPUSD provides a range of parent workshops and courses designed to empower families with the knowledge and skills to actively engage in their child's education. These initiatives are supported by investments from Goal #5 of the LCAP, which focuses on enhancing family engagement, and Goal #3, which specifically allocates resources for community liaisons. MPUSD remains committed to fostering strong partnerships with our families and ensuring they have the support needed to succeed academically and socially.

Comment #27 (Goal #3): My daughter has not been reclassified, she’s in 6th grade and it would be good if there were support for students in the summertime.

Response: At MPUSD, we prioritize and invest in supporting students, particularly as they approach middle school in grades 7 and 8. While reclassification typically occurs at these stages or earlier, the district understands the importance of continuous support for all students, including during the summertime. The district does offer Summer Academy, particularly for students needing extra support in English language arts and mathematics. We are committed to exploring additional ways to provide educational enrichment and support opportunities that benefit students at every stage of their academic journey.

Comment #28 (Goal #4): Laboratories.

Response: Similar to mathematics, science is encompassed within Goal #1, which focuses broadly on academic excellence. Laboratories are offered primarily at the secondary level - middle and high school. The district places a significant emphasis on science education and invests extensively in ensuring robust curriculum and resources. While science is not delineated into a specific strategy within the LCAP, its integration and enhancement across all educational initiatives reflect our commitment to providing comprehensive STEM education that prepares students for future success.

Comment #29 (Goal #4): Take young people to science competitions.

Response: The district is committed to supporting students in participating and excelling in science competitions at local, regional, and state levels, particularly at middle and high schools. While transportation costs for activities like 6th grade science camp are funded through the LCAP, participation in competitions is typically supported through school site discretionary funds. This approach allows us to foster a competitive spirit and provide valuable learning opportunities that enrich our students' educational experiences beyond the classroom.

Comment #30 (Goal #4): Put in teachers of chemistry, physics, and biology (specialist teachers).

Response: Similar to mathematics, science is encompassed within Goal #1, which focuses broadly on academic excellence. The district places a significant emphasis on science education and invests extensively in ensuring robust curriculum and resources. While science is not delineated into a specific strategy within the LCAP, its integration and enhancement across all educational initiatives reflect our commitment to providing comprehensive STEM education that prepares students for future success.

Comment #31 (Goal #4): Chemistry classes in middle school.

Response: Similar to mathematics, science is encompassed within Goal #1, which focuses broadly on academic excellence. The district places a significant emphasis on science education and invests extensively in ensuring robust curriculum and resources. While science is not delineated into a specific strategy within the LCAP, its integration and enhancement across all educational initiatives reflect our commitment to providing comprehensive STEM education that prepares students for future success.

Comment #32 (Goal #4): Inform parents how to navigate iReady and how to use it at home.

Response: MPUSD provides resources to help parents navigate iReady and utilize it effectively at home. iReady is a valuable tool designed to support a child’s learning journey. For guidance on how to maximize its benefits, including setting up and using iReady at home, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office for personalized assistance. 

Comment #33, #34, and #35 (Goal #4): Support in mathematics in high school. Prepare them more in mathematics for when they go to college. Help in mathematics for when they go to college.

Response: As noted earlier, the district is focusing a significant amount of time and energy in foundational literacy and early literacy because research shows that if a student cannot read by 3rd grade that it will take the student until 12th grade to meet regular standards generally. MPUSD data indicates that math is an area of need and funding should reflect that need as well. The district indicated that Goal #1 is a broad goal and encompasses overall funding for teaching mathematics. The district will be more explicit and specific to math and work to break it out of Goal #1 and identify as a separate strategy. 

Comment #36 (Goal #5): The teacher could refer a student to a mental health therapist.

Response: The district deeply values and prioritizes social and emotional support for students, including access to mental health therapists. Goal #5 of the LCAP reflects our significant investment in mental health wellness, ensuring that every student has the support they need to thrive. Students seeking support can reach out to their teachers or school site administration, who can facilitate referrals to mental health therapists as needed. This approach ensures that students receive personalized care and assistance tailored to their individual needs. The district is committed to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment where every student can succeed academically and emotionally. MPUSD’s ongoing investment in mental health services underscores our dedication to the well-being of our entire school community.

Comment #37 (Goal #5): Communication in schools; parent to parent access.

Response: District-to-parent and school-to-parent communications are vital, and we prioritize enhancing these through Goal #5 of our LCAP with dedicated communication tools. While we currently do not have a robust parent-to-parent communication tool, each school site provides opportunities for parent engagement through School Site Councils and English Learner Advisory Committees. These forums are invaluable for parents to connect, share insights, and collaborate on important school matters. We encourage all parents to participate actively in these committees to strengthen our school community. Also, school sites offer parent engagement nights to support parental engagement among each other.

Comment #38 (Goal #5): Improve food with healthy things. Quality of lunches.

Response: School food feedback is important and remains a priority for our educational partners. While improvements to food choice and variety are ongoing, it's important to note that funding for these initiatives primarily comes from federal sources rather than the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). We are committed to listening to feedback and enhancing the dining experience for our students within the resources available.

Comment #39 (Goal #5): It would be ideal if each school informed the parents of the services they offer and if the assigned people introduced themselves to parents at the various school events during the school year.

Response: The district is committed to continuously improving its service mindset, which is one of our core values. The district will work closely with school sites to ensure they communicate who school site staff are and what they do. MPUSD’s LCAP funds various positions to support parental and community engagement in Goal #5. Moreover, the district has enhanced and continues to provide up-to-date information on its websites (also communication and website updates are funded out of the LCAP Goal #5) so families are in the know. 

Comment #40 (Goal #5): Lockers for middle school students.

Response: In alignment with the shift to digital learning and Chromebook technology, the district has transitioned away from traditional lockers. This adjustment reflects the current educational landscape, where resources and materials are primarily accessed online. MPUSD aims to adapt to the needs of a digital age, ensuring students have convenient access to their educational materials at all times. Additionally, in the past, when middle schools did have lockers they were not used by students. 

Comment #41 (Goal #5): Seaside High School answer the telephones if your child is running late or cannot go to school, one has to go to the school because they never answer the phone.

Response: The district is committed to continuously improving its service mindset, which is one of our core values. The district will work closely with office staff to ensure they provide exemplary customer service, including answering the telephones in a timely manner. Feedback is crucial in helping MPUSD enhance its community and family relationships.

Comment #42 (Goal #5): More programs for parents – workshops.

Response: MPUSD currently offers parent workshops and parenting courses throughout the year and will ensure they are well-promoted so families are aware. This is a priority of our LCAP Goal #5, and the district invests significantly in parent engagement and workshops to support effective communication and collaboration between parents and teachers.

Comment #43 (Goal #6): Give parents courses on how to deal with and address teachers. Courses in each school as needed.

Response: MPUSD currently offers parent workshops and parenting courses throughout the year and will ensure they are well-promoted so families are aware. This is a priority of our LCAP Goal #5, and the district invests significantly in parent engagement and workshops to support effective communication and collaboration between parents and teachers.

Comment #44 and #45 (Goal #6): Courses for staff on how to treat parents with respect. Welcome parents.

Response: The district is committed to continuously improving its service mindset, which is one of our core values. The district will work closely with teachers and staff to ensure they provide exemplary customer service. This includes an emphasis on treating parents with respect and creating a welcoming environment for all. Feedback is crucial in helping MPUSD enhance its community relationships.

Comment #46 (General): Please don’t let people talk so much because they don’t allow them to give us all the information and we run out of time.  This person who talks so much no longer has children in the school district.

Response: MPUSD values all voices in our community and are committed to ensuring everyone has an opportunity to be heard. In the future, the district will implement a more structured process for discussions to ensure equitable participation and efficient use of time. Input is crucial in helping us improve our engagement processes.