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LCAP Archives

2023-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan
The Board of Education held a public hearing June 13, 2023, and approved the final adoption on June 27, 2023. The LCAP represents approximately 13% of the district's overall budget.
2023-2024 Engagement Process
Your voice matters. Each year, school districts like the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District reach out to their educational partners, such as students, parents, staff, and community members to gather feedback and input to develop and update their Local Control Accountability Plan, also referred to as LCAP.
The district will host four meeting opportunities to gather input, as well through ThoughtExchange, and online tool for stakeholders to provide their written opinions and interact with thoughts that others have provided. Provide your input today - HERE.
2023-2024 LCAP Task Force Meetings
**Task Force members are appointed by school site and/or department.**
2024 Districtwide Meeting Dates/Times/Locations
All meetings have since transpired, but noted below for reference.
  • Monday, January 8, 2024 | 12 noon
  • Wednesday, January 10, 2024 | 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, January 27, 2024 | 10 a.m.

2022-23 Local Control Accountability Plan


The 2022-2023 Local Control Accountability Plan includes the following: the Budget Overview for Families, Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-2022 LCAP, and the 2021-2023 LCAP.  

2021-22 Local Control Accountability Plan
The Board of Education mets June 22, 2021, to approve the Local Control Accountability Plan. The Board held a public hearing on June 8, 2021. The final documents reflect feedback from the Monterey County Office of Education (edits are noted with UPDATED: 6.16.21 - MCOE required). Additionally, MCOE provided two recommendations in September 2021, which are reflective in the latest version.
Spanish translation underway.

2020-21 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Due to COVID-19, the state paused the Local Control Accountability Process and instead required an abbreviated format in the form of a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. This plan was approved by the Board of Education on September 22, 2020.

Please send any feedback or comments to this plan to [email protected] by September 22, 2020 for incorporation into the final approved plan by the Board of Education.

Senate Bill 98 established that the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and an annual update to the LCAP are not required for the 2020–21 school year and that the California Department of Education (CDE) shall not publish the California School Dashboard in December 2020 based on performance data on the state and local indicators. SB 98 supersedes the requirement to develop and adopt an LCAP by December 15, 2020, which was established by Executive Order N-56-20, which was published in April 2020.

SB 98 also separates the development and adoption of the Budget Overview for Parents from the development and adoption of the LCAP for the 2020–21 school year. The legislation also requires that the Budget Overview for Parents be developed and adopted by December 15, 2020. The requirements to hold a separate public hearing and adoption at a public local governing board meeting consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 52064.1 of the Budget Overview for Parents remains.

SB 98 establishes California EC Section 43509 and the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Learning Continuity Plan) requirements for the 2020–21 school year. MPUSD's draft Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is attached in English and Spanish. Staff will provide a high level overview of the plan this evening as part of the public hearing.

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Learning Continuity Plan) is a key part of the overall budget package for K-12 that seeks to address funding stability for schools while providing information at the local educational agency (LEA) level for how student learning continuity will be addressed during the COVID-19 crisis in the 2020–21 school year. The provisions for the plan were approved by the Governor and Legislature in June in SB 98 and can be found in EC Section 43509.

The Learning Continuity Plan is intended to balance the needs of all stakeholders, including educators, parents, students and community members, while both streamlining engagement and condensing several pre-existing plans. In particular, it was important to combine (1) the intent behind Executive Order N-56-20, published in April 2020,which envisioned an off cycle Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) due December 15th, and (2) the ongoing need for LEAs to formally plan to return to school in the midst of the uncertainty and of COVID-19, without requiring two plans. The Learning Continuity Plan replaces the LCAP for the 2020–21 school year.


The Learning Continuity Plan adoption timeline of September 30, 2020 is intended to ensure the Learning Continuity Plan is completed in the beginning of the 2020–21 school year. Additionally, the timeline is intended to allow for communication of decisions that will guide how instruction will occur during the 2020–21 school year. This includes in-person instruction, according to health guidance, and distance learning, while providing critical opportunities for stakeholder engagement.

The Learning Continuity Plan template memorializes the planning process already underway for the 2020–21 school year and includes descriptions of the following: addressing gaps in learning; conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement; maintaining transparency; addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness; providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning; providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being; and continuing to provide school meals for students.


The Learning Continuity Plan Template developed by the CDE, in consultation with the executive director of the State Board of Education (SBE), was made available to LEAs on August 1, 2020. LEAs have by September 30, 2020 to adopt the Learning Continuity Plan by September 30, 2020 in a public meeting. Prior to its adoption, the Learning Continuity Plan shall be presented at a public hearing (September 8, 2020 - this meeting) of the governing board/body of the LEA for review and comment by members of the public.

2019-20 Local Control Accountability Plan
he district held a public hearing on the 2019-20 Local Control Accountability Plan on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. The LCAP was adopted by the Board of Education on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. In August 2019, the Monterey County Office of Education asked the district to make minor modifications/clarifications to its LCAP.
2018-19 Local Control Accountability Plan
The 2018-19 final approved Local Control Accountability Plan for the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District reflects the goals, objectives, measurable outcomes, and actions and services the district will engage in during the 2018-19 school year. 
2018 DELAC / DAC Presentation and Minutes Approving the LCAP