Frequently Asked Questions
Does my school offer free after school care for my children?
Use the links at the right hand side of this page to get information on the programs offered at your child's school.
MPUSD receives federal and state grants to provide free after school programs at all of our TK - 8 campuses for the following groups of students:
- Homeless students
- Foster youth
- Free or reduced price meals
- English Learners
Space is limited in all programs. At some of our campuses, the number of these students is very high. After school programs are free for all students at these schools.
What is the program schedule? What do the daily activities look like?
What are the program hours?
How do I enroll in the program offered at my child's school?
Does the program provide something for my child to eat?
Does my child need to stay every day until the end of the program?
Can I give permission for my child to walk home or ride their bike home?
How are free after school programs funded?
What if I would prefer an after school program that is not on the school campus?