New Student Enrollment
NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT: Welcome to MPUSD. If your student is new to MPUSD you can begin the enrollment process on this web page. Enrollment is digital using a computer, tablet or smartphone with Internet connection. If you need assistance with completing the online enrollment process, contact your school to schedule an appointment. See required documents needed for first-time enrollment into MPUSD.
A New Student is defined as a student who has never attended or registered at an MPUSD school (including preschool). If you have attended a preschool within MPUSD (Marina Child Development Center, Seaside Child Development Center, Del Rey Woods Preschool, Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula Preschool, Monterey Child Development Center), you are identified as a returning student. Please follow the process for Returning Student Confirmation as you already have an MPUSD student ID, as well as a state ID in our student information system.
INSCRIPCIÓN DE ESTUDIANTES NUEVOS: Bienvenido a MPUSD. Si su estudiante es nuevo en MPUSD, puede comenzar el proceso de inscripción en esta página web. La inscripción es digital a través de un ordenador, tablet o smartphone con conexión a Internet. Si necesita ayuda para completar el proceso de inscripción en línea, comuníquese con su escuela para programar una cita. Consulte los documentos necesarios para la inscripción por primera vez en MPUSD.
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