Teach at MPUSD
We at the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District know that if we are on our way to becoming one of the finest public school systems in the country that serves ALL students well, and engages each student in deep learning that prepares them to solve the challenges of the 21st century, we must recruit and retain high quality teachers. We recognize the challenge of recruiting and retaining high quality new teachers given the current California teacher shortage, and we feel it is our charge to ensure we have various entry points for new teachers in the district. Please see the entry points into developing as a new teacher in MPUSD below:
Earn your teaching credential and master's degree in just one year while also gaining hands-on experience in an MPUSD classroom with a mentor teacher. Comes with a $40,000 living stipend and you can access grants and scholarships to apply toward the tuition.
Schedule a call with Brenna at Alder to learn more here.
Refer an applicant (referral form) to our teacher residency program for a chance to win $150 Amazon gift card. Refer multiple candidates for additional entries.

The application for the 2025-2026 school year opens September 1, 2024!
Click Here to Apply for MPUSD Teacher Residency