Standards-Based Grading » Standards-Based Grading

Standards-Based Grading

The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District provides rigorous, student-centered, and engaging learning experiences for every student. We have fact sheets available to summarize standards-based grading.
WATCH: What is standards-based grading?
English: Transitional Kindergarten - 8th grade
Spanish: Transitional Kindergarten - 8th grade
English: High School
Spanish: High School
Grading at MPUSD
Your student's grades may look different on their report card compared to methods used in the past. Report cards now focus on these areas:
  • Show student performance over a period of time
  • Provide feedback on strengths and areas of growth
  • Measure students against California's rigorous academic standards
  • Reflect student's level of performance and progress toward meeting standards
Traditional Grading System Standards-Based Grading System

Based on assessment methods (e.g., quizzes, tests, homework, projects).

One grade/entry is given per assessment.

Based on learning goals and performance standards. 

One grade/entry is given for the learning goal.

Assessments are based on a percentage system.

Criteria for success may be unclear.

Standards are proficiency-based. 

Criteria and targets are made available to students ahead of time.

Use uncertain mix of assessment, achievement, effort, and behavior to determine the final grade.  May use late penalties.

Measures achievement only or separates achievement from effort/behavior.  

Includes every score, regardless of when it was collected. 
Assessments record the average - not necessarily the best work.

Emphasizes the most recent evidence of learning when grading.

*Adapted from O-Connor K (2002) How to grade for learning: Linking grades to standards