Expanded Learning Opportunities (Afterschool Programs) » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Use the links at the right hand side of this page to get information on the programs offered at your child's school.


MPUSD receives federal and state grants to provide free after school programs at all of our TK - 8 campuses for the following groups of students:

  1. Homeless students
  2. Foster youth
  3. Free or reduced price meals
  4. English Learners

Space is limited in all programs.  At some of our campuses, the number of these students is very high.  After school programs are free for all students at these schools.  

Sample Program Schedule


Full Day


Minimum Day


Check in/snack/recess


Check in/snack


Academic Support

1:00- 1:15 




1:15- 2:25

Just Run


outdoor activities


Daily Schedule


Free Choice &

Clean up

Schedules vary by sites

All of the after school programs are provided every day that school is in session.  Immediately after school students check in with the program.  The program runs through 6:00 p.m. each school day.
During intersession or summer programing the program will run from 8:00 to 5:00, or a total of nine hours.
Each school site has its own enrollment link.  Please contact the site director at the school for enrollment or wait list information.
YES!  All of the MPUSD After School Programs offered a healthy snack or supper for your children.  During the intersessions or summer sessions, students are in the program for a total of nine hours per day.  They will be offered breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.  If you prefer, you may send your child to the program with their own food and drinks.
We hope that all of our students stay through the entire program every day that they attend.  However, if a student needs to leave early to accommodate the family's needs, they can be signed out early.  You will be asked to provide the reason for the early pick up for reporting purposes.
A parent or guardian can give permission for their child to walk home or ride their bike home by completing the "Parent Request to Walk or Bike Home" form.  This form will be kept on file for our records.  Once the student leaves for the day, they will be considered to have been signed out of the program.
As the hours of daylight change, we will ask parents to adjust the time that they want their child to leave so that they can return home before dark.
Funding for the free after school programs comes from federal, state and local resources. 
The After School Education and Safety (ASES) program, 21st Century Community Learning Centers  (21st Century) Program, the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program and the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District all provide funding or in kind support for the programs.
The ELOP offered on the MPUSD campuses are not the only option provided for our students.  There are four locations that partner with MPUSD to provide after school programs in their clubhouses.  You are in no way obligated to choose any of the MPUSD After School Programs for your children.
There are other after school programs that are available to children that do not partner with MPUSD. 
The United Way 2-1-1 Program offers many community resources for you to choose from.